April 2023: Another Planning Application for Nyasaland Rejected

Another new outline planning application for the development of housing at Nyasaland has been rejected by Hart.

This application (Hart Ref 22/02794/OUT) was submitted in November 2022 and was an outline application for the erection of five x 4-bedroom houses (self-build/custom build dwellings) with community allotments, parking and servicing. The existing barn structures and sheds would be removed to be replaced by 5 new houses, 15 allotments, and associated parking, with access from Crondall Road.


Details of the proposals can be found on the Hart Planning Portal at https://publicaccess.hart.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RLHFFMHZGC000

The proposal appeared to orient the building plots in different directions, although house designs would be determined by the self-builders, with a shared access point also shared with access to the allotments at the rear.

A number of public comments, including a comprehensive response by FACE IT, were provided in response to this application and Crookham Village Parish Council as a statutory consultee also raised objections.

The consultation period closed for comments on Friday 03 March 2023.

This application for five four-bedroom houses at Nyasaland was refused by Hart on 06 April 2023.

The main reasons for refusal were (in very summary form):

1. Located in open countryside outside the settlement boundary.

2. Urbanising effect on and does not enhance the landscape and is not sustainable.

3. Fails to provide for affordable homes.

4. No biodiversity information.

5. Does not meet Habitat Regulations.

Full report and decision at https://publicaccess.hart.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RLHFFMHZGC000