
FACE-IT Keeps You Informed

“The individual character, cherished landscape and biodiversity of Fleet and Crookham environs are under considerable threat from potential developments”. 

The FACE-IT Group is committed to protecting this important environment from destruction through poorly conceived and unsustainable development.

The aims of the FACE-IT group are to meet, discuss and understand the current development plans emerging for the Fleet and Crookham area and to assess whether these should be viewed as sustainable development or would be threats to the precious local environment and the village communities, in their existing countryside setting, taking account of its already pressurised infrastructure.

FACE-IT is about protecting and improving the area around Fleet and Crookham and to make sure that development is beneficial for the community. That is not the same as stopping all development and we are here to make sure that what does get developed is done in the best way.  We do this by getting involved in the process and providing information and communication to act as enablers for the community to understand and influence local policy and decision-making.  The aim is that the natural and built environments are the best they can be for us all.

Where public involvement is required, FACE-IT keeps you informed and will request and coordinate community engagement where appropriate.

FACE IT provides to its community, stakeholders and interested parties:

  • understanding of the local issues
  • consultation with and representation of the local community
  • knowledge of the local areas in Hart especially around Fleet
  • specialist expertise especially on environmental matters
  • involvement with local projects for the beneficial development of the area
  • liaison with and representation on the Crookham Village Association and Parish Council
  • liaison with Hart District Council and Fleet Town Council including Fleet Future and liaison with other local and national groups
  • public visibility through its website, social media presence and publicity.

Our Provenance
FACE-IT members come from a variety of backgrounds across Hart district, but our experience in the west Fleet and Crookham area runs deepest.

FACE-IT is an independent committee of the Crookham Village Association, which was founded as a residents’ action group in 1964 to urgently oppose the threat of major greenfield housing development closing the green gap with Fleet. At Cross Farm, an iconic 16th century half-timbered building called Veronica (where Veronica Drive is now) had been quietly demolished to create a broad new access from The Street directly into greenfield grassland to the south – where there were plans to build 350 houses.

Villagers were angered that they had not been properly consulted or represented about the proposed development. The CVA took matters into its own hands, mobilised villagers, reinforced the depleted Parish Council – and made a strong, expert case to successfully oppose the threat of development. The Association has championed the interests of the community and valuable local environment ever since and it is pleased to offer FACE-IT its experience and practical support.

50 Years On
In 2013 we had familiar challenges, but today we recognise that new major development plans are a strategic, not just a local issue.  Accordingly, we have organised a group of professional and motivated volunteers (including experts in a number of relevant fields) into sub groups responsible for specific aspects of our challenge. Some of these groups are listed in the Contacts section, where you can reach them by email. Others are working on strategies for later stages in the process (see the Timeline section). These activities are supported by professionals in Marketing and PR.

It Starts with You
But the real power behind our cause is the collective voice of residents across the district. This voice will only be heard if every one of us contributes in any small way that we can. We may all have to attend a few meetings, perhaps write a couple of letters – but if you have particular skills, ideas or energies to contribute, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.